Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Discussion: Canberra Theatre Genie

I thought I'd take a break from listing what I think are the issues troubling theatre in Canberra, and invite people to discuss their own.

So, if you've got a theory, and it hasn't already been listed and discussed elsewhere on here, feel free to throw it in the costume section for discussion.

And before you start, "Self-righteous, anonymous bloggers" comments will be deleted. Because that's the power you'll have just given me as a self-righteous, anonymous blogger.

If you want to reply to someone's theory, hit the "reply" button directly under their post. That way they're all easily comprehensible chains. It's obvious stuff, but sometimes you need to say it.

Don't name companies as problems, eg "Philo, as it ________", of "Free Rain, because ______________".


  1. Technical rehearsals - the good, the bad and the dear god it's ugly. Those days when you realise the director had no idea what shape the stage was or where the lights were meant to go and is having to reshuffle the entire show in one incredibly long 12 hour day.

    Not that I'm naming any companies, but ... there's one particular director I will never go anywhere near again in an onstage or backstage capacity and that's because of their epic-length technicals.

  2. Technical rehearsals - the good, the bad, and the very very ugly. Particularly those ones where the director decides that the technical is where he realises most of his blocking is wrong and half hte lighting rig needs to be redone on the spot.

    Yes, they're necessary. But when it becomes bloody obvious the director hasn't thought about the venue or the lighting until right this minute and the thing is dragging on past its tenth hour ... that's when you know something has gone seriously wrong.

    Not naming any names, of course.

    1. Mr Rabbit of the Libs8 August 2013 at 07:36

      I would argue the opposite. Depending on the technicality of the show, some tech rehearsals will take 4 hours and some will take 12 and that's the way it is, I would assume for all amateur and professional shows all over the world.I don't think you can have a one-size-fits-all tech rehearsal - I'm pretty sure the Wiggles tech and the Cirque du Soleil tech aren't even remotely the same length.

    2. I think what That Guy is saying isn't that ALL tech rehearsals are bad. They're a necessary evil, but we know why they're there. I think he's saying that tech rehearsals that the production team isn't adequately prepared for.
      Like for any other rehearsal, preparation and consideration make the difference between a productive and effective rehearsal and a colossal waste of everybody's time.

  3. Mouse In The House8 August 2013 at 07:54

    Before all the naysayers come in having a whinge, I think it's worth remembering that the Canberra theatre scene has lots going for it as well. A lot of hardworking, talented and energetic people both in front of and behind the scenes who are passionate about what they do, who respect each other (mostly) and who care about theatre and the community (helping with charities etc).

    Sure there are people with egos the size of a blimp that need a good smack with a brick. I could make you a list of those. And people whose sole purpose in life is to cause trouble and be drama llamas but generally those people get their comeuppance in time. For all the cracks, it's a pretty good, if oversaturated, 'scene' with lots going for it.

    1. There are definitely far more positives than negatives about theatre in Canberra. I, like many other people, can say that nearly every important person in my life was met through theatre, and we wouldn't have gotten close otherwise.
      There is also an amazing pool of experience and knowledge, held by people who are (mostly) willing to share it. Rep are particularly great with this, as they often bring in professionally experienced directors from all over Australia and abroad, and working in these shows is like getting a condensed degree from WAAPA, NIDA or, in some cases, the Theatre of New Brunswick.

  4. Mr Ruffalupagous8 August 2013 at 19:07

    I think we need less bitchiness. But that, like my comment in the positive post, is entirely dependent on the people. And for every person who's awesome in any context, there are bitter, cranky people in there too. Life's like that.
    We're all on the same team, and we have the same goal. I constantly feel like I'm back in my Philosophy degree, arguing about who's MORE right. Who cares? We have the same answer, let's just get on with it.
    That goes for shows too. I'm sure almost everybody remembers the Hairspray/Hair thing last year. That was the stupidest, most childish and overall irrelevant thing to happen all year. Fortunately, nothing of that magnitude appears to have happened since. Maybe something's changed in the landscape, who knows.
    Competition between productions should be friendly. That's all. Because we all work together again anyway. Why lose friends? And sure, some people get a bit big for their boots, and then get defensive when someone doesn't like them. Whatever. Grow up.

    The thing I would change about the Canberra theatre scene is the people who ruin it for others. But you have to take the good with the bad and hope to God you break even.

    Also, I'd lower bar prices and provide complimentary bacon at each performance.
